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                     St. Theodore: Through the Years...

If you would walk into the home of Joseph, Mary, and Jesus, you’d see an inscription on the door. You’d see it on every home in Nazareth, as every Jew did since the time of Moses,. God instructed Moses and the Israelites to put on their door: Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God is Lord alone! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.


They’re the greatest commandment, Jesus tells us. And that’s why God made sure they were always before the minds of his faithful, and they should always been on our mind today. When Jesus responded to the scribe, he responded with words that God made sure were drilled into their hearts daily for over a thousand years. These words weren’t an obscure scripture reference for them: they were part of daily prayer.


When we think of St. Theodore Through the Years, these words ring true as well. Our parish only makes sense when we’re seeing that every person is responding to God. Seeking to love God completely, and to draw others in Flint Hill to Love God too.


It all started July 10, 1883: the cornerstone was laid. 5 weeks later, on August 15, 1883: the new Church was blessed. 20 x 40ft. Fr. Theodore Krainhardt said Mass monthly for us. Finally, in 1895, we were given a full-time priest: Fr. Wilhelm Kurtenbach. He lived in the sacristy behind the altar in the old Church. He passed away only a couple years later in 1897. Fr. Bernard Schlathoelter (the chaplain at the Abbey by Assumption) took care of us in the interim.


Fr. August von Brunn arrived in 1898. The cornerstone of our Church was laid on May 6, 1900, and then we built the rectory in 1904. He converted the old Church into our first school building, and then built our current ‘old school’ in 1913. The Parish Picnics began.


Fr. Joseph Fitzkam was assigned in 1922. More and more social events began. He spent a lot of time in the school teaching the children. He passed away in 1934, which means our most seasoned lifers remember Fr. Fitzkam in their childhood.


Fr. Joseph Poelking was assigned in 1935. He was pastor through World War II, and prayed Mass weekly for those in the war.


Fr. Gerhard Schmidt came in 1949. He brought back many social activities in the parish that had fallen away during the recession in the 1930s and during the war. He was pastor for over 20 years.


Then, in 1971, Fr. Joseph Portucheck came. He grew the devotional life in the parish through May Crownings, 1st Saturday devotions, and encouraging the stations of the cross.


In 1979, Fr. Eugene Bendel came. The sisters weren’t able to teach at our school anymore, so he hired our first group of lay teachers. The dinner auction began.


Fr. Urban Knoll arrived in 1990. He was here a mere 4 years when Fr. Mattler was assigned here in 1994. This is our super-modern history, because from here on our pastors are all still living. Fr. Mattler built our Parish Center and strongly supported the school.


Fr. Gary came in 2005 with thousands of frogs. They were an instruction: Fully Rely On God, and he impressed that message in your hearts. Fr. Gerber came in 2017, and his desire was to help you love God through the liturgy. Fr. Fonseca arrived in 2020 and had the doubly difficult task of guiding you through Covid and through All Things New. It was the challenge of giving yourself to God through difficult times. He worked hard to grow the parish and to keep our parish strong through the uncertainty of the times.


In 2023, I got here. I’m the 15th priest to serve you in the last 140 years. I’ve been blessed by Archbishop to walk into something great here and to serve something great. Please pray for me that I can serve you well in my time here as you’ve been served well for the last 140 years.


Our parish is thriving. We’ve been blessed Through the Years with the priests that have been here. We’ve been blessed Through the Years by your families, because it’s your families that have sustained our parish from 1883 and on. And whether you’ve been part of our 6 generation families or have just moved in, the purpose of St. Theodore is to give glory to God.

  • A celebration Through the Years is the celebration of how God is working in our parish.

  • A celebration Through the Years is how we’re seeking to glorify God.

  • A celebration Through the Years is how we’re responding to the greatest commandment: Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God is Lord alone! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.


So thank you, God, for how you’ve called us to love you at St. Theodore Through the Years of our history. Thank you, God for how you’re calling us to love you today. Thank you, God, for how you’re calling us to love and serve you Through the Years ahead.


Do great things for us, O Lord, for you are mighty, and Holy is Your Name. Bless us indeed, and expand our parish, and be with us, and protect us. Convert every soul in our parish so we might love you with all our heart, soul, and strength. Give us your spirit to spread the gospel so your name will be praised. Give us the grace to hear your voice, so that we can take each next step forward Through the Years to continue to glorify you, who live and reign forever and ever. Amen.


St. Theodore Catholic Church

5085 Highway P

Wentzville, Missouri 63385-2118


Phone: (636) 332 - 9269

Fax: (636) 887 - 2029



Monday - Thursday: 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.


Friday: 7:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.


Closed Fridays during the summer

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©2024 by Saint Theodore Catholic Church

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