Altar Servers
Altar servers are students in grades 4 - 12 who desire to serve Jesus Christ, the priest, and the entire parish by assisting at the celebration of the Mass and at different liturgical services throughout the year. Any student interested in becoming an altar server should submit the registration form to the parish office. Altar servers are required to attend a training session before being scheduled to serve Mass. They are expected to take responsibility for showing up when they are scheduled, arriving early, dressing neatly, and serving with utmost reverence. This is an important ministry which welcomes all who are willing this special commitment to serve at the Altar of the Lord.
To inquire about altar server training, contact Fr. Henry Purcell at
To inquire about server scheduling, contact Jeannette Hamann at
Ushers serve an important function of welcoming and assisting all who join us for Sunday Mass. This ministry is open to any parishioner of high school age or older who feels called to assist at Sunday Mass.
The lector proclaims the first and/or second reading at Mass. This person also may lead the Psalm (in the absence of a cantor) and the Prayers of the Faithful at Mass (in the absence of the deacon).